When I arrived at UCSC, I pretty much immediately started doing Computer
Engineering. (my internal masochist took over I guess) We needed to get
an account for class and I figured that it might as well be my last name.
Of course, I had no idea of any social scene or any reason to choose anything
more interesting. So from 1989 until they discontinued the keen alumni
account program I was galpin@b.
I'm certainly not the original Phaedrus, but I have gone by that name
under ICB for many years. It's a rather effective way of eliminating messages
from people who hate to type --- and I've gotten plenty of complaints
about it from folks. I decided to take on that name after reading "Zen
and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance." The name means many things ---
the core meaning is "Wolf." Plato mentions a Phaedrus in his writings,
and there was a Roman slave named Phaedrus that helped to copy down and
translate "Aesop's Fables." In "Zen and the Art..." Phaedrus is a split
personality of the main character who seeks truth and finds that his truth
is in quality. It has been a philosophy that I have worked hard to incorporate
into my own life. I'm phaedrus @ abattoir.com , phaedrus @ alumni.cse.ucsc.edu,
and phaedrus @ technologist.com.
This can be blamed on the gentle mockery of my housemates. There's nothing
like being cheered on (or mocked) with the reverse of one's name. GO-nad.
(ahem) Rich and Brian and Janet were certainly the inspration for this
choice --- which was my way of saying that I just don't take this stuff
very seriously. I use it occasionally as an ICB nick when I'm feeling
silly (or just don't feel like forcing folks to type Phaedrus). I probably
wouldn't have started using it in ICB if it weren't for salguod and enelrad
so I certainly owe a ... debt ... to those folks. I was (and still am)
nad@resort.com and nad@ dungeon.resort.com