
boy science fiction geek (Russell) meets girl science fiction
geek (Anji). They fall in a state of accelerated hormonal influence. To
pass the time between bouts of nookie, they start writing a science fiction
story together, alternating chapters. Alien languages are invented. In
the story, boy from starfaring culture A meets girl from starfaring culture
B, they hate each other, they learn to understand each other, they fall
in a state of accelerated hormonal influence, they have a kid. The kid
is named "Kaleja", (kah-lay-zha), a word which means "synergy" or "fusion
product" or "the part left over if you subtract 'the whole' from 'the
sum of the parts'".
in the real world, Russell and Anji break up, Russell starts hanging around
on BBSes, needs a handle, picks "Kaleja", uses it ever since.
much information department: As Russell in his 20s experiments with what
I'll call "modal self-consciousness" (kind of like voluntary schizophrenia?),
Kaleja becomes a sort of alter ego or label that represents a feminized
version of Russell in a sort of "state of grace" -- having gone through
rough times, but come out the other side stronger and calmer for it.
kaleja is Nepalese for "liver", or close to it...
some polish guy named "Arkadiusz Kaleja" sent me email a while back, but
nye rozumiem po'polsku, so I have no idea what he said.
And there's some hank williams song "Kalega the Wooden Indian"