---------------------------------------------------------------------- THE DOLPHIN LIBERATION FRONT REVOLUTIONARY MANIFESTO ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Much hue and cry has been raised recently over the senseless slaughter of thousands of dolphins every year by marauding tuna fishers. Many organizations have devoted themselves to the just cause of preventing this ongoing massacre, but a disturbing tendency has arisen among these organizations to view the dolphins as helpless victims of a system beyond their control, am innocent that must be protected. We of the Dolphin Liberation Front denounce this cult of the victim and call for people everywhere to act to empower the dolphins to free themselves from the bonds of oppression against which they strain. Such a liberation can happen only as a result of direct action BY THE DOLPHINS THEMSELVES. We, as people, can -- nay, have a moral obligation to -- help the dolphins prepare for this uprising against tyranny, but the ultimate responsibility (and glory) of victory must rest with the oppressed Delphinidae themselves and not with us. Toward this end, then, the Dolphin Liberation Front calls upon people everywhere to assist the dolphins in their righteous struggle in concrete and empowering ways. Specifically, we must - Provide military training and advisors to the dolphins, who are naturally a peaceful race, and ignorant in the arts of war; - Supply the dolphins with the comunications apparatus necessary to communicate effectively over long distances; - Provide the dolphin resistance movement with detailed reports on the whereabouts of tuna-fishing buccaneer boats. It is a national scandal that our government keeps tactical information on these boats, but provides no information to the dolphins! US Navy boats, with information provided by the Departments of Transportation and Fish & Game, could be instrumental in providing essential tactical support to the dolphin contras. - Arm the dolphins now! This is the first imperative, as without arms all training is useless. The dolphin resistance movement is in dire need of mines, torpedos and nuclear depth charges. We must move to provide these essential items immediately! Training can be provided in a manner similar to the Navy's SEAL program; also, the Navy has experimented with dolphin warfare in the past and could transfer their dossiers to the leaders among the dolphin resistance. Entire Navy fleets are now sitting idle and could be called in on a moment's notice to provide tactical backup and communications services in an advisory role to the dolphin resistance. Warehouses full of arms sit inactive in American military installations and homes when they could be out there in the hands of freedom-fighting dolphins! We must lose no further time. A moral imperative is incumbent upon us all to ACT! You must make your feelings in support of the dolphins known, by letters to our leaders and by public shows of support. But most important is the military contribution you can make. Even a small calibre handgun can be of use in the flippers of a properly trained dolphin, and your small donation, of arms or of money, can make a real difference in their fight to end the genocide and throw off the bonds of oppression. The time is now -- we must seize it! ARM DOLPHINS NOW! (Crown College box 123, UCSC) -- Aaron